Thursday, September 25, 2008

Music... randomness... its 10PM and I'm tired and bored... but don't want to go to bed... lol

After listening to DragonForce for about an hour straight… I switched to my “favorites” playlist (a super long list of song I like…) and hit shuffle. I am now listening to Art of Breaking by TFK. It’s a good song, but its so… empty…

I mean… seriously, Trevor starts singing and I went… he voice doesn’t fill the room… he’s so… small… the guitars so… soft… the drum is… noexistant…

Oh well, that’s hard rock for you I guess.

Oh… and after much thinking, I have decided that Nightwish has amazing Bass. I think Marco should form his own band, I’d get the album. I love that guy. Okay… he looks really weird, but hey… that’s Finnish Metal bands…

DragonForce’s new album… its good… overproduced, but I like it. More of the same really, but I mean… DragonForce hasn’t changed in three albums, and stated that they really didn’t want to change. Something about how other bands always say, “we’ll be faster and harder on this album.” And then never really are. So DragonForce said, “you will get exactly what we say you get, which is more of the same.” It’s a good thing, but I have a feeling that they have exactly one more album in them before people stop buying video game inspired (Darn… that’s so cool… in a geeky kinda way. :D) lyrics played far to fast, far to high… every song is like that. I like it, but I listen to LotR metal by mediocre bands… so what can I say?

Not much else to talk about… I started spamming people’s blogs on the Isaiah forums, for those few of you who didn’t notice/aren’t member of the Isaiah Forums. For those of you who have no clue what I mean, the Isaiah forums are an unofficial Invision Free board for The Potter’s School students and Alumni (I think most of the regulars are now alumni… lol). I’m spamming blogs, and I must say, I had a lot of fun last night…

And now POD’s Enternal is playing… its good… but my ears feel empty… I wish more bands could have the level of “power” that DragonForce and Nightwish manage to pull off. I guess that’s why they call it power metal, no?

Anyways… I think I might just go to bed now.


Manwathiel said...

Ah yes, I have noticed your blog spamming. It's not that bad, as far as blog spamming goes. You know what I mean, you've read Libby and Christine's blogs ;).
A few of the regulars are alumni, but not all... We've got quite a few still taking classes.

Isaac, the masterofweirdness said...

yes... but it seems a lot of people graduated a last year.

Lol... in like two years most of us will have graduated anyways...